Friday, December 31, 2004


Seismic Weapon Information - Could We Face A Targeted Tsunami?

Russian Seismic Warfare: "DISTURBING evidence has come to light that the Russian military is continuing Soviet-era tests in 'seismic warfare', the bizarre theory that underground nuclear explosions can be directed to unleash earthquakes and tidal waves against enemies."

Here's the cover of the book I initially read last year that brought this subject to mind:
Seismic Weaponry Reference from GRU Defecting General


DefenseLINK News reference to Seismic Weaponry Tsunami and Earthquake Warfare

Here's a factoid from 1997. I had been out of the Navy for two years and remember hearing what I discarded as rumors of Soviet research into seismic weaponry. SecDef Cohen addresses it in a Q&A session

DefenseLINK News: Secretary Cohen With Senators Nunn and Lugar - April 28, 1997:
"Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can
alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the
use of electromagnetic waves.
So there are plenty of ingenious minds
out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon
other nations. It's real, and that's the reason why we have to intensify our
efforts, and that's why this is so important. "


ENMOD - Proposal to outlaw Seismic Weapons Tsunamis Earthquakes Manmade

Edmonds Institute Occasional Paper: "To violate ENMOD, an attempt to manipulate natural processes is required. The treaty does not protect states against environmental damages resulting from hostile actions. In other words, collateral damage incidental to warfare is not prohibited. Article II lists examples of environmental modification techniques and includes among them provocation of earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes (typhoons), disruption of ecological balance in climatic elements, change in ocean currents, and changes in the state of the ozone layer. "


The Truth Seeker - Did Diego Garcia Suffer Heavy Tsunami Damage?

The Truth Seeker - Did Diego Garcia Suffer Heavy Tsunami Damage?

Now, the paranoid among us would wonder why Colin Powell would state yesterday to a reporter that he 'had no information concerning Diego Garcia'.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Seismic Weapons from The Tom Bearden Website [Sort of a fringe US Army scientist]

Okay, a little research into seismic weapons came from The Tom Bearden Website:

"First, in 1997 then Secretary of Defense William Cohen specifically and publicly confirmed that 'electromagnetic' weapons were being used by
'terrorists' to initiate earthquakes, modify the climate (and the weather), and
initiate volcanoes into eruption. So far as I'm aware, the news media did not even report this first-ever public confirmation by a high U.S. official of the old scalar interferometer weapons which have been around and in extensive use since April 1963. Today, e.g., some 10 nations have such weapons or versions of them, and even the Japanese Yakuza has acquired them (in latter 1989)."

Now, I haven't been able to confirm any of the last bit about the 'ten nations' having these weapons. If they did, then this recent tsunami would really set the pace for the use of this weapon.

Curious enough, I have been able to locate a (*.doc) study that Bearden has done. It uses a lot of the same sources my own research has been leading me to. I would say as a disclaimer that since that's the case, these are not exactly different studies, unfortunately I simply can't find more raw data online.

At this point I've reached the end of what I can research without outside assistance or more credible sources.

Key searches to get the information I've found in Google: 'Scalar Interferometer seismic', 'seismic weaponry', 'tesla earthquake', 'William Cohen University of Georgia', and 'Hideo Murai Aum Shinrikyo'.

You be the final judge of whether or not the question of an intentional act such as a tsunami could threaten the USA's coastline.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Where are the Carriers?

Where are the Carriers?: "Where are the Carriers?"


The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami - Blog

The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami

Monday, December 27, 2004


Top Secret Recipes on the Web

Top Secret Recipes on the Web


Top Secret Recipes version of In-N-Out Double Double,

In-N-Out Double Double, Top Secret Recipes version


Top Secret Recipes on the Web

Top Secret Recipes on the Web


Dictators - Bios of current and past world 'leaders'



Kim Jong Il - North Korean leader bio from

Kim Jong Il: "The North Koreans adore Kim. They swoon in his presence. He is, to them, something of a diety. A god-king. Don't believe us? Check out this article from the official government news agency in September 1997: "

Sunday, December 12, 2004


GlobalStarSoftware:: ROBOTECH INVASION ::



Wired News: Music Videos Tap Video Games

Wired News: Music Videos Tap Video Games


The New York Times > Business > World Business > Diverging Fortunes, Tied to the Dollar

The New York Times > Business > World Business > Diverging Fortunes, Tied to the Dollar: "Diverging Fortunes, Tied to the Dollar"

"If the euro goes to $1.40 and stays there for several years, it will cost us a lot of money," said Mr. Welcker, a lean, gray-haired 44-year-old who is the great-grandson of the company's founder. "The danger is that someone will get into our niche and take the business away from us."

Such warnings are echoing across Europe these days, as the Continent comes to grips with the likelihood that the Bush administration will tolerate a prolonged period of weakness in the dollar. Europe fears its exports will be choked off, which could strangle its fragile economic recovery.

In the United States, manufacturers, who have been sapped by the exodus of production and jobs to cheaper markets overseas in recent years, are rejoicing at the dollar's decline. For American exporters, the currency is a lubricant, greasing the way for their products.

"This is the perfect time for currencies to move back to sanity," said Franklin J. Vargo, a lobbyist with the National Association of Manufacturers. "The United States lost over three million manufacturing jobs from 2000 to 2003, and it's about time we put an end to that outflow."

Wednesday, December 01, 2004


3nW Corporation - where it begins

3nW Corporation.

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