Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Seraphic Secret: Killing a Terrorist
Seraphic Secret: Killing a Terrorist:
"'How did you know you weren't shooting an innocent man?'
'He sizzled.'
'Excuse me?'
'He tried to self-detonate. There was a malfunction. I saw smoke. I didn't want to take a chance on there being a second trigger. We were in a supermarket. Women and children all around. I drew and and shot him in the chest.'
'Shot him dead?'
Larry shrugs and half smiles: 'Hey, us Bensonhurst kids had to grow up tough, right?'
'I guess.'"
"'How did you know you weren't shooting an innocent man?'
'He sizzled.'
'Excuse me?'
'He tried to self-detonate. There was a malfunction. I saw smoke. I didn't want to take a chance on there being a second trigger. We were in a supermarket. Women and children all around. I drew and and shot him in the chest.'
'Shot him dead?'
Larry shrugs and half smiles: 'Hey, us Bensonhurst kids had to grow up tough, right?'
'I guess.'"
China buildup seen aimed at U.S. ships - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper
China buildup seen aimed at U.S. ships - Nation/Politics - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper: "China's military buildup includes new missiles and naval weapons designed to sink U.S. aircraft carriers and deny U.S. forces access to the Asia-Pacific region, a congressional commission official said yesterday. "
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Read My Lips re: Dirty Bomb Threats to USA

Gateway Pundit: WANTED: Adnan Jumaa for Suspected Nuclear Attack on US:
"Osama bin Laden is planning to carry out new, more destructive attacks inside the United States, and there is someone working on this terror plot currently in the US, according to Hamid Mir, the famed Pakistani journalist who obtained the only post-9/11 interviews with Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. In an interview quoted on the website of the al-Arabiya television network, Mir spoke about his last trip to Afghanistan and his meeting with al-Qaeda members and Taliban leaders."
Picture Proof: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections
Gateway Pundit: Picture Proof: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections: "Picture Proof: The Saddam-Al Qaeda Connections
The following information did not make it into the Senate Intelligence Committee's report released last Friday, that claimed Saddam's government 'did not have a relationship, harbor or turn a blind eye toward' al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or his associates."
The following information did not make it into the Senate Intelligence Committee's report released last Friday, that claimed Saddam's government 'did not have a relationship, harbor or turn a blind eye toward' al-Qaida operative Abu Musab al-Zarqawi or his associates."
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Baghdad without newspapers - April 2006 death threats to media distribution
"He then showed me one of those notes; the ban includes virtually every paper but basically 'papers that promote Safawi [Persian] Shiasm, blasphemous secular ideas and democracy'."
"Me: who threatened them? Papers guy: the death notes were signed by the mujahideen; they said that they will kill anyone who continues to print, distribute or sell newspapers."
"He then showed me one of those notes; the ban includes virtually every paper but basically 'papers that promote Safawi [Persian] Shiasm, blasphemous secular ideas and democracy'."
The Officers' Club: A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Mid East, Part 2
The Officers' Club: A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Mid East, Part 2: "'Tradition' in America might be baseball games and apple pie, but in some places in the Arab world, it means killing people who don't worship the same god as you, stoning homosexuals, assassinating poets and cartoonists, and enslaving the female half of the population. This doesn't jive well with the West, and as our two worlds become more and more interconnected, these differences will have to work themselves out, probably in the following ways:
-Non-violently, like it has been in the US where Muslims and Arabs integrate into American society, live by our laws, and still retain their religious identity, but accept our cultural identity (i.e. the label of 'American')
-Passive-Aggressively, like in Europe, where Muslims and Arabs integrate into society, but want to live by their own laws, keep their own cultural identity, and riot or kill people when they disagree with policy or speech.
-Violently, like in the Sudan, where the Arab government is killing people who are not Arab/Muslim. Or the Balkans, where Serbia tried to kill/cleanse the Muslim Albanians out of its society. Or any other country where militant Islam or militant reaction against Islam occurs. "
-Non-violently, like it has been in the US where Muslims and Arabs integrate into American society, live by our laws, and still retain their religious identity, but accept our cultural identity (i.e. the label of 'American')
-Passive-Aggressively, like in Europe, where Muslims and Arabs integrate into society, but want to live by their own laws, keep their own cultural identity, and riot or kill people when they disagree with policy or speech.
-Violently, like in the Sudan, where the Arab government is killing people who are not Arab/Muslim. Or the Balkans, where Serbia tried to kill/cleanse the Muslim Albanians out of its society. Or any other country where militant Islam or militant reaction against Islam occurs. "
My opinion on invading Iraq - three years later...
Interesting information I've been talking to friends about. What I've seen change:
- Syria out of Lebanon
- Libya open itself to UN inspectors and denounce Terrorism
- Free, multiple party elections, though not a complete Government in Iraq
- Iran's Leadership, through blowing smoke, is, by reports, really becoming a concern to the Iranian Middle Class and students. Since the Median age in Iran is 25, that is the bulk of the country. Time may play out that the same people that overthrew the Shah could overthrow the clerics. In other words, rational people might take over that theocracy which exports terrorism as part of its 25 year history.
- Jordan has opened its markets to western investment as has Kuwait opened its stock market.
- Other Arab nations have introduced woman's voting rights to different levels and have expanded democratic rights, though not massively.
- Afghanistan, Pakistan and India much safer together...
The Officers' Club: A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Middle East Part 1
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Iranian Police Attack Women's Right Activists -
Iranian Police Attack Women's Right Activists - "United Nations Declaration on Human Rights
Article 12 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders states that, 'Everyone has the right - to participate in peaceful activities against violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.'
Iran is among the Declaration's signatories but its authorities do not appear to be following its basic tenets. Key government authorities have refused to accept the charges of human rights violations leveled against the country. In a new strategy, they have responded by firing accusations back at the West."
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Premier Building Systems - Home
Premier Building Systems - Home: "Premier Panels used in conjunction with other Engineered Systems and Engineered Building Products also provide an ideal energy saving alternative in the remodeling market for home additions due to the simplicity of installation and the speed of construction. PBS Panels are the next generation of Engineered Building Systems."
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Performance parts and accessories
Performance parts and accessories: "Anti-Sway Bars P2 Series
ipd safety anti-sway bars bring you a greater sense of control behind the wheel. Flatter cornering, quicker response to steering input, an increased margin of safety, plus increased traveling comfort for both you and your passengers. "
ipd safety anti-sway bars bring you a greater sense of control behind the wheel. Flatter cornering, quicker response to steering input, an increased margin of safety, plus increased traveling comfort for both you and your passengers. "