Wednesday, April 19, 2006


The Officers' Club: A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Mid East, Part 2

The Officers' Club: A Brief Explanation of the Problems in the Mid East, Part 2: "'Tradition' in America might be baseball games and apple pie, but in some places in the Arab world, it means killing people who don't worship the same god as you, stoning homosexuals, assassinating poets and cartoonists, and enslaving the female half of the population. This doesn't jive well with the West, and as our two worlds become more and more interconnected, these differences will have to work themselves out, probably in the following ways:

-Non-violently, like it has been in the US where Muslims and Arabs integrate into American society, live by our laws, and still retain their religious identity, but accept our cultural identity (i.e. the label of 'American')

-Passive-Aggressively, like in Europe, where Muslims and Arabs integrate into society, but want to live by their own laws, keep their own cultural identity, and riot or kill people when they disagree with policy or speech.

-Violently, like in the Sudan, where the Arab government is killing people who are not Arab/Muslim. Or the Balkans, where Serbia tried to kill/cleanse the Muslim Albanians out of its society. Or any other country where militant Islam or militant reaction against Islam occurs. "

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